Thursday, September 27, 2012

Interesting Things: Tall Men

Something I try to avoid : Walking behind tall men on busy streets.

I live by and walk on a main street in Buenos Aires everyday (Avenida Santa Fe). Generally, I have it pretty easy walking about.  Most people are shorter, making the view around and above them easily accessable (Average heighs listed by country:

However, when you find yourself walking behind a tall man on a busy street you will also find yourself stuck there for a long time.  I just pray that the tall men are fast walkers so that we have no worries--otherwise, it's very likely that if I need to pass and I can't see what's coming toward me, then what's coming toward me also cannot see me.  In the case that I need to pass a tall man on a street full of pedestrians without any particular course of walking, collision becomes a high likelihood.  I actually find the thought of passing tall men as pretty frightening, and have to work up courage every time I do it.

Brief Note : You may have noticed a lack of photos on my camera currently lacks the ability to function.  Elicia and Jeremias (my friends who live here and picked me up from the airport) loaned me one of their cameras, so pictures will be coming soon!

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